Read Anything Good Recently?

Dear Writer Friends,

Here we are again, and nearly the end of January already! Hope you are enjoying your writing. πŸ™‚ And your reading!

Once again I am going to enthuse about the necessity (and enjoyment!) of reading.

All reading is good, but the best thing you can do, if you want to be a good writer is …

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People standing in a queue

Listening In

Hello everyone: hope you have had a good week. Spring will soon be here!

This week’s writing tip is all about eavesdropping on other people’s conversations! πŸ™‚ …

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girl and dog

Your Alter Ego?

Good morning writer friends! Not just a writing tip this week, but a writing exercise as well. πŸ™‚

Do you have an alter ego from much-loved childhood story? I bet you enjoyed reading as a child, or you wouldn’t be reading this! I’m wondering, was there a book…

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Janet Wilson in disguise as a reindeer!

Happy Christmas!

Dear Writer Friends,

Just a very quick message – I wasn’t planning on sending a writing tip today, for, as it’s Christmas Day, but I had an idea so I thought I might as well share it . . .

Of all the people you are spending time with today, who would make . . .

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Janet Wilson

Does That Need Updating?

Hello again – can you believe another whole week has gone by?

This week’s creative writing tip comes from last month’s monthly programme, as we were looking at editing our manuscripts. One of the things I suggested looking out for, is anything . . .

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Essential Information on Copyright

Hello again, is it possible that another week has gone by? Amazing! But this means another creative writing tip, so here goes:

If you have used quotations in your story, either from Scripture or other sources, you need to make sure that . . .

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older lady with camera

Is that Usual? Does it Matter?

Hello again, and welcome to this week’s creative writing tip!

In your writing, look out for stereotypes. If I say β€œgrandma” to you, what image comes to mind? Grandparents of ten-year-old children are more likely to be . . .

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Sisters in the old days

Have You Checked That?

Hello everyone, and welcome to this week’s free creative writing tip! I have taken this one from our monthly programme, which you are more than welcome to join if you want to go deeper with your writing. No worries if that’s not for you right now – I hope this will be helpful. πŸ™‚

Once you have finished the first draft of your novel…

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