Is my story good enough?

Is My Story Good Enough?

Dear Writer Friends,

Today’s creative writing tip has come up over and over again in our Write for a Reason writing groups… is my writing good enough? Is my story good enough? …

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cake with icing

Metaphors and Similes

Metaphors and similes – what fun! We all get these two mixed up – but it doesn’t matter what we call them – as long as we use them!

But just for the record, metaphors are things that…

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Creative Writing Tip – Personification

Today’s creative writing tip is all about personification.

Personification is the attribution of human characteristics to something non-human. That could be an animal, or something non-living.

First, let’s take a look at personification of animals (also called anthropomorphism). We might like to include animals in our stories who think, talk, feel human emotions, have a conscience…

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tiger roaring


Today’s creative writing tip comes from our Monthly Programme – we have been talking about various literary devices to embellish our stories and give them a bit of added interest …

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south downs


Do you remember when a walk or a hike in the countryside was called rambling? Maybe you’re not old enough to remember that term! My sister and I and a group of friends would sometimes go off on a ramble on the South Downs, where we lived…

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moon against a branch

Terrible Baddies!

Last week we looked at not making our ‘heroes’ too angelic. I didn’t think to say, that we also, of course, shouldn’t make our ‘baddies’ too terrible either!

Even the most evil of people…

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angelic little girl

Flawed Goodies?

Just a quick writing tip this week, but nonetheless it makes an important point.

How good are your main characters? You need to make them good enough for us to be rooting for them, but not so …

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child reading with a lion

Fiction is Fiction

Fiction is fiction – well of course it is! But as writers-for-a-reason, we have to remember that the main reason young people pick up and read a story, is to …

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