Dear Writers for a Reason, As I have been preparing the material for this evening’s Zoom training (it’s not too late to register – here’s the link) I have been …
Dear Writer Friends, I had some interesting feedback from a previous writing tip, about book launches (thank you for your time – always love to hear from you). I had …
Hello my Writer Friends. I hope you found last week’s writing tip, about big picture editing, useful. This week we’re doing a quantum leap… from editing, to planning your book …
Hello my Writer Friends. Did you watch the coronation of King Charles III on Saturday? Lots to glean there if you’re planning any kind of British pomp and ceremony in …
Before you start editing your story, make sure you know your target audience. So, when you come to edit even as something as simple as your vocabulary or grammar, you …
Dear Writer Friends, I hope you had a wonderful Easter, celebrating new life in Christ. Unfortunately I came down with Covid at the end of Easter Sunday, so I missed …
Dear Writing Friends, Are you keeping up with your book reading? If not, now’s the time to order some books for reading over the Easter weekend! Christian, secular, contemportary, classic …
Hello my Writer Friends, Are you going through a difficult time right now? I’m guessing the answer for most of you, is probably yes! Life is a battle, and the …