Your Questions Answered:

I know some of you have questions about our Writers for a Reason Unite group, so I’ve put some information together, to help you see if our membership is for you.

What exactly do you do in the Writers for a Reason Unite meetings?

Great question! We alternate between Buddy Groups and Quiet Writing – one week it’s one, then the next week it’s the other. In our Buddy Groups, members share something they have written, or ask for advice… it’s a brilliant time! The Quiet Writing sessions are time set aside for writing. We pray together before we start, then go! Oh, and we always give space for Q&A at the beginning of every meeting, so nobody needs to stay stuck. 🙂

When do you meet?

On Mondays, via Zoom, at 11am and 7pm UK time.

But why pay for a group, when I can join free writers’ groups? Well, there aren’t many groups that meet twice a week, when you can pop in whenever convenient, where you can talk to a publisher, and share your writing with authors from different places (even other countries). And actually, for a hobby, it’s cheap – you don’t even have to find a weekly bus fare!

If I have any questions about writing, I can just google the answer, right? Sometimes, yes! But heaps better to ask personally, right? We have brilliant Q&A sessions. Honestly, your question might seem silly to you, but you’ll probably find that others have been thinking about that, too, so you will be helping the whole group! And sometimes we go really deep…

I think my story is great as it is! Perhaps it is really excellent. But what about blind spots? We all have them. Better find them them out as soon as possible, so you can solve the issue and move on.

I prefer to work alone. Absolutely! We need to write alone, but we do also need encouragement and support. Even just praying at the beginning and end of every meeting, as we do, is a wonderful foundation for our writing.

I’m way too embarrassed to read my work out to other people! We get it, it’s really scary! But one day you’ll have to get someone to read your story, and at least everyone is in the same boat. And it does get easier over time, as you get to know your writing buddies. 🙂

I’m not in a rush to finish my story. No problem – nobody is going to hassle you. But if you do want accountability, it’s in the group! Just knowing you’re meeting with your writing friends again the following week, will give you a boost of enthusiasm for your writing.

If you’d like to join the group, please click here.

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