Hope you enjoyed last week’s podcast episode, on the subject of descriptions. (If you missed it, you can catch up by clicking here.)
I have a quick writing tip for you this week, on the subject of protagonists.
Your readers need to identify with this important person. If they don’t like the main character, they won’t care if they win through or not… so they might not bother to read to the end of the book.
They might even read it and be disappointed!
On the other hand, if your protagonist has the same values and issues as your readers; if they can identify with them and understand where they are coming from, they will be desperate for them to get to the end of the book victorious (whatever that means in your story!)
So make sure you spend lots of time with your target audience, so you can get your protagonist just right.
Have fun with your writing this week – don’t forget to let me know how you’re getting on!
Every blessing,