Facing An Issue

Good morning Christian writers! Here’s a writing tip on theme – could you write a story on a particular issue young people are facing?

One thing we do in the Write for a Reason course is a bit of research into the background of our target readers. Some of the questions we ask potential readers are: What do they like and dislike? What are their dreams and ambitions? What worries them? What is their worst nightmare?


If you are planning a story and need a strong theme, why not ask some of your target readers what problems they are currently facing? Could you write a story with a theme that covers exam anxiety from a Christian perspective, or step-families, or cyber bullying? What about a story that highlights the dangers of the occult and how to get free, people trafficking, abuse, death of a family member . . . There are so many issues to choose from, sadly, that our young people are having to deal with.

And of course, you will need to wrap your theme into an excellent story in a thrilling setting with engaging characters, as always!

Stories touch lives on a level that plain advice doesn’t always reach. There is a need for books that touch on many different issues – why not pray about it? Maybe the Lord is calling you.

Here’s an idea: please write in the comments below an issue any young people you know are facing. That might spark a thought in a fellow writer that will result in a book!

Janet Wilson, founder of Dernier Publishing and Write for a Reason
Janet Wilson, founder of Dernier Publishing and Write for a Reason

See you over there,




P.S. I don’t usually run a writing course through the summer, but was wondering if some people might perhaps have more free time then? So instead of waiting until September for the new class, I’m going to open registration for a course starting at the beginning of July that will take us through to the end of August. Would that suit you? Happy to run a very small class if it helps one or two! More info here.

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2 thoughts on “Facing An Issue

  1. MariHoward

    Janet, Just catching up reading blogs which have accumulated in my inbox! Your ‘for writers for children/YA’ is lovely – I am just wishing there was a similar for writers for adults (I am a Christian writing for mainstream …) It’s encouragement we need, along with sharing a few ideas. Simply a thought: I thought I’s share i t! Am in ACW – am probably going to float some idea like that, see what others think. I tend to write stuff which does touchon ‘issues’ but doesn’t by any means try to ‘tie them up’.

    • Janet Post author

      Thanks for taking the time to comment, and for the encouragement . . . and yes, it is as much encouragement as writing tips that we need, so I do try to cover both. We are people as well as writers! Of course many of the skills we talk about in Write for a Reason are equally valuable for people who write novels for anyone, so while waiting for a unique resource for adult fiction, anyone is very welcome to join us here! Glad to have you and hope to be a help with at least some of the tips. 🙂 P.S. Love your black cat!

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