September is with us! I don’t know about you, but I feel like September is a time to get serious, after the lazy days of summer. 🙂
I was talking to a budding author yesterday, who is getting serious about her writing, and is planning on sending her book proposal to publishers.
She has a great idea for a story, and has been looking at her synopsis, going over her first three chapters, and thinking about what to put in her bio and covering letter.
The one thing she hasn’t been thinking about, was her author platform.
These days, a good author platform is essential. Do you have a large following on social media? Do you belong to writers’ groups? Do you have a speaking platform? Do you have an email list?

It’s never too early to start building your author platform!
Start with one small step, and do a little every day. Set up on the social media sites that make sense for you, follow other writers, start a blog, go to writers’ days, join a group, speak at your church breakfast group/Mother’s Union/Christian Union (or equivalent!) about your writing.
One small step every day can build up, little by little. So when you’re ready to send in your proposal (or when you have that book to sell) you already have a following of fans ready to buy it!
Yes, it does take time… but it’s worth it.
You already know about my Write for a Reason website, but ​here’s my writer facebook page​. Why not hop over and say hi? 🙂
Love to see you there!