What to Read This Summer?

I have a very quick writing tip for you for this week – well, it’s not so much a tip as a reminder…

This summer, make a determined effort to read books that your own target audience enjoy.

Whether you are writing for young adults or a younger age range, check out what’s latest and new; popular authors and the books that are trending.

These books will teach you so much about what your audience are enjoying reading right now. Genre, style, length, characters, plots, narrative voice… reading a selection of these books will give you lots of ideas for your own writing.

While you’re reading, jot down notes. What is it about this book that makes it so successful? What is the opening like? How does it draw you in? What is the pace like? How does the author create tension? What is it about the characters that engages you? How has the author brought in lighter moments/humour? How is the final conflict dealt with? How is the book concluded?

So there’s a summer reading task for you – one to enjoy. 🙂

Let me know what you think of the books you read!

And I’ll see you again next week.

Every blessing,


P.S. Don’t forget the training on Book Launches, coming up next Monday (26th). It should be good! Hope to see you there.

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