Good morning Christian writers! Hope you are all well and enjoying the spring (unless you are in the southern hemisphere – I know some of you are from South Africa – happy autumn to you!).
Sorry, back to the topic in hand . . . instead of a writing tip this week, I have an exercise for you! In our April Monthly Members Programme we are looking at writing tight sentences – this is one of the exercises I am suggesting to our members, but you can do it too:
Buy or borrow a selection of best-selling contemporary novels aimed at the age group of your target readers.
Take a long hard look at how the authors have written their sentences, and see what gems you can glean from their construction. Um, the construction of the sentences, not the authors! 🙂
Look for:
1. length
2. punctuation
3. clarity
4. pace
Jot down any ideas/great sentences/inspiration in your writing journal . . . and please do share them with the community! (in the comments below or over on our facebook page :-).)

Until next time,
P.S. Very last call if you want to join the monthly members programme this month! More info here, but briefly, you get the first month free with no obligation, so why not give it a go? We’d love to have you!