English Literature

Good Morning Writer Friends!

Ready for another writing tip? This time you’re going to have to do some work! 🙂

However long ago school was for you, I’m sure you will remember at least some of the novels you studied for English. We dived into Graham Green’s Brighton Rock, amongst others, for O levels (yes, I really am that old!). I read An Inspector Calls when my son was doing GCSEs, so we could discuss it together, and To Kill a Mockingbird a bit later. (Loved that book!) Did you study any of those?

High School building

Anyway, here’s the idea: re-read a novel you studied at school, and take a good, long look at the study notes. If you haven’t kept your own notes, find some online. It’s amazing what you can learn about plot, characters, theme, setting and conflicts from some of these great novels. Pick a book you enjoyed, of course – you might as well! 🙂

Janet Wilson, founder of Dernier Publishing and Write for a Reason
Janet Wilson, founder of Dernier Publishing and Write for a Reason

Do you have a favourite classic novel? Tell us about it on our facebook page – love to hear from you!

Happy Writing,



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