Hello my writer friends!
Hallowe’en is all around us – I don’t know what you think, but it seems to me that every year it gets a bit bigger.
And who does it target most? Our children.
Can I encourage you to keep writing, because if you have been called to write, someone, somewhere, is waiting for your story.
How desperately our children need light and life and hope. The darkness can sometimes seem overwhelming, and our children are out there in it.

And so many children haven’t yet heard of the love of Jesus – how will they know unless someone tells them?
Even if this story you’re writing right now doesn’t get further than you own family, think what a blessing that will still be! But perhaps it will reach hundreds, or even thousands of children…
There’s no knowing how far your book will go, or how long it will be a blessing for.
So don’t stop now!
If your own book isn’t published yet, why not buy Christian books for your church kids, and children on the fringes of church, to share the light this hallowe’en? Or to give to trick or treaters? We have a lovely selection at Dernier Publishing – some are also available from Amazon.com, if you’re not in the UK. If you do buy today or tomorrow from the Dernier website, I’ll do my very best to get your books to you by 31st. I’ll also set up a coupon code so you can have £1 off every book you buy. I’ll keep a lookout for you!
May the Lord’s light shine in the darkness, through you!
In Christ,
P.S. Coupon code is HALLOWEEN.