Writing Stories for Our Time

Hi folks. I just wanted to let you know about a FREE training I’m doing this coming Wednesday called: Writing Stories for Our Time. Simply click on this link to …

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Writer’s Block

Surely every writer suffers from writer’s block at some time in their writing lives. After all, none of us are robots! This feared and dreaded affliction is a part of the creative process – ditch diggers don’t get ditch digger’s block, carpet layers don’t get carpet layer’s block, but writer’s block (all joking aside) can be a very real problem. And there are levels of it, because writing is creative – it’s an art, not a science…

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Endless Distractions

As last week’s writing tip seemed to resonate with many of you, about juggling various different writing projects or sticking to one (and I was speaking to myself as much as to you!), I thought, this week, this would be a good topic: Distractions…

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audio book

The Spoken Word

Maybe one day your book will be made into an audio book! This will not only be great for readers with sight loss, but children who struggle to read, or who just love to listen to stories…

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