Every so often I create a video or two… or three! Here’s one you might enjoy… Do hop on over to the channel, subscribe and share with your writer friends. …
Here’s a problem. You can have a nice story, with an excellent theme, such as bullying, prayer, or body image… but if it’s not a gripping, thrilling story, kids won’t …
We had an interesting discussion about the role of the antagonist in a recent Writers for a Reason Unite meeting. It can be confusing, so here are a few quick …
In this episode of the Write for a Reason podcast, Janet looks at the whole subject of inspiration. Sometimes we have to go out looking for inspiration… it doesn’t always …
How complicated should your story be? This is a great question, and it does, of course, depend on your target audience. A simple beginning, middle and end is enough for …
Hello, and welcome to the latest Write for a Reason writing tip. Here’s an idea: You know you have to keep reading, if you want to write well? How about …
Hello, my writer friends! Today I’d like to talk to you a bit about fantasy writing. This is a slightly longer writing tip than usual, but I do feel it …
I have a very interesting writing tip for you today. One of our Writers for a Reason Unite members asked me about writing dialogue. Should he say, ‘I would like’, …
At our Writers for a Reason Unite Q&A yesterday, one of the things we talked about was weaving a message into a story. How do we do this gently, with …