If you are writing stories with the intention of reaching children with the good news of Jesus, you need to pray, because what you are doing is vital. I don’t need to…
How do your readers spend their time? What do they love and hate? What makes them happy and what makes them sad? What are their aspirations for the future – their dreams and goals? What do they…
Hello again my writer friends, and yes, it’s Monday again, so time for a new creative writing tip! This week I wanted to write about something which will help you with your stories, so I picked a topic which is essential…
Everyone hates rejection letters. Nobody likes being rejected! As a publisher, I hate writing rejection letters, because I know how much time and emotion an author has invested in their …
Hello and welcome to the Write for a Reason blog! Today I want to take a look at sending book proposals to publishers. This is a topic I have covered before, but it’s something I’ve been asked about recently by a Write for a Reason student who has now finished her novel…
By the end of the Write for a Reason Academy you will not only have all the tools you need to write your best stories ever (for example, how to craft your beginnings and endings, create engaging characters, choose your narrative voice, weave your theme…
All through the ages and all over the world people have shared stories in their families and communities. True stories; embellished stories; fictional stories – all these can instruct, inspire …