Is Yours A Nice Story?

Here’s a problem. You can have a nice story, with an excellent theme, such as bullying, prayer, or body image… but if it’s not a gripping, thrilling story, kids won’t read it. Or they might read it once, then forget it.

Why not take a long, hard think about your current work in progress.

How you could make it more gripping, more thrilling, more exciting?

How could you add more tension, more emotion, more ups and downs?

How could you make it more memorable?

How could you take it to the next level in terms of readability?

These things are important!

Why not ask a writer friend if you could swap manuscripts and be honest with each other about all the above questions?

Or join in our Writers for a Reason Unite programme – your writing buddies will encourage and help you all the way through.

We all have blind spots, and we all need help, so don’t be too proud to ask!

May your writing go from strength to strength,


P.S. Here’s the link to join our Writers for a Reason Unite programme. I’d love to see you there!

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